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The Resource library contains the full set of indicators and the assessment guidance, along with a comprehensive body of external sources and further reading.

Displaying 41 - 50 of 299
    • Dimension

1.3.1 Rules of procedure

This dimension outlines the specific powers and provisions defined in parliament’s rules of procedure, which codify all procedural aspects of
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    • Dimension

1.3.3 Parliamentary calendar

This dimension concerns the existence of a publicly available parliamentary calendar that establishes the timetables for debate and in-session periods
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    • Dimension

1.2.4 Access to resources

This dimension concerns the remuneration and resources available to MPs to enable them to perform their duties. This includes MPs’ salary and any
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    • Dimension

1.3.5 Quorum

This dimension concerns the requirements for a quorum, or the minimum number of MPs who must be present in order for parliament to validly conduct its
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    • Dimension

1.3.9 Dissolution

This dimension concerns the process by which parliament may be dissolved in order to allow for new elections to take place. The legal framework should
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    • Dimension

1.4.1 Plenary

This dimension concerns the arrangements for plenary sessions. Parliament’s most important law-making and oversight work is done in the plenary. It is
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