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The Resource library contains the full set of indicators and the assessment guidance, along with a comprehensive body of external sources and further reading.

Displaying 241 - 250 of 299
    • Indicator

2.2 Institutional integrity

In democratic systems of government, parliament is often seen as the nation’s highest institution. It is therefore essential for parliament to lead by
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    • Indicator

1.11 Key parliamentary powers

This indicator concerns key parliamentary powers relating to security, defence and foreign affairs. Although some of these policy areas have often
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    • Indicator

2.1 Parliamentary ethics

This indicator concerns parliamentary ethics, i.e. the standards of conduct that parliament as a whole, and MPs individually, are expected to follow
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    • Indicator

4.1 Valuing public concerns

This indicator concerns parliament’s openness and responsiveness to public concerns, which is key to building trust in the institution. Parliaments
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